
Applying for a place at Badshot Lea Village Infant School

The quickest and easiest way to apply for a school place is online.  You can access the online application form by visiting if you live in Surrey and if you live in Hampshire.

Each local authority has it’s own application form.  You will need to complete the form for the local authority in which you live, regardless of which schools you are apply for.

If you would like to visit our school to experience life at Badshot Lea Village Infant School please contact us on 01252 320883 or to reserve a place at one of our popular Open Mornings, dates will be in our School Calendar soon.

Surrey County Council is the admission authority for this school.  To find up to date information about the school's admission arrangements; details on how to apply, either as part of the normal intake or during the school year; and information on how to appeal, please visit the Surrey County Council website –