
We believe the curriculum is everything that happens in school.  We aim to provide a secure and happy environment where learning takes place through a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum and where every child matters.  Recognising that children enter school with differing experiences and learn at different rates we plan to provide for individual needs and abilities so that the best possible progress is made by every child.

Throughout the school, learning is carefully structured so that knowledge, skills and concepts can be built upon in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum for our youngest children and the National Curriculum for pupils in years one and two.

Intent, Implementation and Impact statements
EYFS (Year R) Key Stage 1 (Years 1&2)
English Mathematics

Curriculum Map Cycle B 2023/24

Curriculum Map Cycle A 2024/25

Assessment Walls and Skills Progression Documents
Religious Education
Internet Safety
Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural Development

 Our Curriculum Themes

Across each academic year, on a two year rolling programme, the children attending Badshot Lea Village Infant School enjoy learning through a half-termly themed curriculum. 

 Curriculum Development

As a developing school and in line with changes to both the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and Key Stage One Curriculum, we evaluate our curriculum on a regular basis, making changes where necessary.  Members of the Governing Body play an active part in monitoring the curriculum.

 Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum

At Badshot Lea Village Infant School the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum builds on the experiences and learning introduced at pre-school settings.  It is based on structured play and practical activities both inside the classroom and in the outside learning environment and is fun.

 Key Stage One Curriculum

Key Stage One Curriculum subjects are: English; Mathematics; Science; Information and Communication Technology; Design and Technology; History; Geography; Art and Design; Music and Physical Education.  Our broad Curriculum also includes: Religious Education; Personal, Social, Health Education and Citizenship; and Sex and Relationship Education.  


To think independently and critically, to experiment, to predict possible outcomes, to test fairly and record appropriately are all scientific skills we encourage at Badshot Lea Village Infant School.  We aim to introduce each child to science by giving them the opportunity to observe, discover and learn more about the world around them by stimulating their interest and harnessing their natural curiosity.  Increasing children’s awareness and understanding of living and non-living things and promoting a sense of responsibility for the care, maintenance and safety of all living things are important to our school community.    


Our children use a range of technology to support their learning, to find and record information and to explore their world.  All technology is used under strict adult guidance.  Keeping safe when using technology is of paramount importance to our school.    

Design and Technology

The opportunity to explore a range of materials in the design and making of artefacts, working with natural and manufactured materials, using simple hands tools is all part of Design and Technology.  Our children develop their planning and design skills and evaluate the end product eventually modifying their designs in light of their evaluation.


History is exciting because it is about real life, human adventures and famous people and their exploits.  Starting with themselves our children learn about their immediate past, their families, our Victorian School and the village of Badshot Lea.  Learning about the lives of famous people helps our children understand how the world has changed and developed.


Geography is concerned with the study of places and the people who live in them.  Learning about Geography helps our children make sense of their surroundings and the wider world.  By exploring the local area, children are able to observe their surroundings and develop an increasing awareness of geographical terms. 

Art and Design

Through Art and Design our children are provided with the opportunity to record feelings and express creative imagination.  They are encouraged to develop skills in using a wide range of tools, media and processes.  Our children begin to appreciate and interpret the artistic work of others, past and present.


We encourage our children to sing in a group, play simple instruments and ultimately compose and perform music using the body, voice and both tuned and un-tuned instruments.  They experience diverse musical heritage and a variety of other musical traditions though dance and listening to music.

Physical Education

We aim to encourage our children to become aware of their own body, to develop spatial awareness and to refine gross and fine motor control and co-ordination.  Children are given the opportunity to develop a wide range of simple movements in a variety of activities with and without equipment in a multi-skills approach to Physical Education.  They are encouraged to improve their performance and take part in physical activity at every opportunity.  

Religious Education

In Religious Education we take account of, and build upon, the experiences of our children, in order to familiarise them with the Christian tradition.  Christianity is taught throughout the school.  In line with Surrey County Council Policy for Religious Education, children are introduced to aspects of Judaism and learn about the Islamic faith. 

Daily assemblies are non-denominational, but they are broadly of a Christian nature.  Assemblies provide time for Collective Worship and reflection.  Parents may withdraw their child from either Religious Education or School Assemblies, and therefore Collective Worship, on denominational grounds.  Should parents wish their child to be withdrawn from Religious Education or School Assemblies, and therefore Collective Worship, this must be requested in writing. 

Personal, Social, Health Education and Citizenship

In a happy and relaxed atmosphere our children are encouraged to develop personal moral values, respect, tolerance, appreciation and an understanding of others’ needs.  We place great emphasis on co-operation within and beyond our school community helping children to develop acceptable social life skills.  We aim to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding that our children need to lead confident, healthy and independent lives and to become informed, active, responsible citizens in our fast-changing world.

Sex and Relationship Education

Sex and Relationship Education is the continuation of lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development.  It begins informally in the home with parents and carers.  We aim to make a significant contribution to the development of the personal skills needed by children to establish and maintain relationships and to make responsible and informed decisions about their health and well-being.  Our policy is to use the content from the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and the Key Stage One Curriculum.


We view sharing learning at home as a valuable experience for both children and parents.  All children will be encouraged to take part in homework activities including reading and maths fluency, and we actively encourage parents and carers to share their child's learning through an online app.


Teacher Assessment is on-going and forms an integral part of our curriculum.  Early Years Foundation Stage Profiles are completed for reception aged children.  The Phonics Check is completed with year one pupils each June.  From 2023, Key Stage One SATS are no longer statutory. Annual Reports are written at the end of each academic year, reporting progress and attainment.